Graduate Division of Legal Research and Training (Komazawa University Law School)

This graduate division has an educational philosophy of developing "legal professionals who are close to people and connected with society." The social mission of this law school is to cultivate legal professionals who have a broad interest in the modalities of people and societies, endeavor for perpetual self-improvement based on making social contributions in diverse fields, and possess the ability to enhance their capacity for empathy and capacity for deep insight regarding people and society.

As such, this law school puts the utmost effort into supporting those persons seeking to become legal professionals, and constantly considers how to provide them with what they need. Each year, mechanisms and environments for learning are developed so that it is possible to boost the skills of students with different backgrounds, careers, skills, and environments based on the optimal methods for each individual. Thus, Komazawa University's ideal vision for this division is "a law school that provides close support as if it is perfectly tailor-made for each student."
