
(unit: yen)

Undergraduate Programs
Items / FacultyBuddhism, Letters, Economics, Law, Business AdministrationHealth SciencesGlobal Media Studies
Tuition *1 759,000 800,000 790,000
Equipment Fee *1 214,000 385,500 214,000
Education Enhancement Fee*1 27,000 27,000 27,000
Laboratory Fee *1 *3 300,000 -
Ed. Support Assoc. Fee *1 10,000 10,000 10,000
Others *4
(They are collected only when students are admitted to the university. )
Entrance Fee 200,000 200,000 200,000
Ed. Support Assoc. Entrance Fee *2 5,000 5,000 5,000
Alumni Assoc. Fee *2 35,000 35,000 35,000
Total (First year) 1,250,000 1,762,500 1,281,000
Total (Second year and after) 1,050,000 1,562,500 1,081,000


1. Tuition, Equipment, Education Enhancement, Laboratory Fees and Ed. Support Assoc. Fees can be paid by installments.
2. At our university, the first year students are required to enter the Alumni Assoc. and their guarantors are required to enter the Education Support Association.
3. In addition to the above-mentioned fees, other Laboratory Fees are collected annually in: the Department of Geography and the Department of History, Major in Archaeology (15,000) the Department of Sociology, Major in Sociology (10,000) the Department of Psychology (30,000)
4. In addition, an Orientation Fee is collected only in the first year in the Department of History and the Department of Sociology, Major in Sociology. (24,000)
