
Postgraduate Programs and Law School

(unit: yen)

Graduates of Komazawa University or Graduate School
Items / Division

Graduate Divisions of Arts and Sciences, Economics, Commerce, Law, Business Administration, Global Media Studies

Graduate Division of Health Sciences
Tuition *1 540,000 600,000
Equipment Fee *1 130,000 300,000
Laboratory Fee *1 *4 *5 150,000
Ed. Support Assoc. Fee *1 10,000 10,000
Others *4
(They are collected only when students are admitted to the university. )
Entrance Fee 120,000 120,000
Ed. Support Assoc. Entrance Fee *2 - -
Alumni Assoc. Fee *6 - -
Total (First year) 800,000 1,180,000
Total (Second year and after) 680,000 1,060,000

(unit: yen)

Graduates of other Universities or Graduate Schools
Items / Division

Graduate Divisions of Arts and Sciences, Economics, Commerce, Law, Business Administration, Global Media Studies

Graduate Division of Health Sciences
Tuition *1 540,000 600,000
Equipment Fee *1 160,000 *3 300,000
Laboratory Fee *1 *4 *5 150,000
Ed. Support Assoc. Fee *1 10,000 10,000
Others *4
(They are collected only when students are admitted to the university. )
Entrance Fee 250,000 120,000
Ed. Support Assoc. Entrance Fee *2 5,000 5,000
Alumni Assoc. Fee *6 35,000


Total (First year) 1,000,000 1,350,000
Total (Second year and after) 750,000 1,100,000


1. Tuition, Equipment, Laboratory Fees and Ed. Support Assoc. Fees can be paid by installments.
2. Students who have completed a Komazawa Master's course and who then continue on to take the second part of the Ph.D. program, have their School Entrance Fee waived(Law School excepted).
3. Students who graduated from other universities are required to pay 130,000 yen from the second year and after.
4. In the Psychology Program, the Division of Arts and Sciences, 60,000 yen is collected as a Laboratory Fee each year after students are admitted.
5. In the Division of Global Media Studies, 24,000 yen is collected as a Laboratory Fee each year after students are admitted.
6. At our university, the first year students (except students who graduated from Komazawa University) are required to enter the Alumni Assoc. and their guarantors are required to enter the Ed. Support Assoc.
