Graduate Division of Economics

The Graduate Division of Economics is aimed at developing economics professionals who are able to address economic and social problems that are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex as globalization and informatization progress. This graduate division proactively accepts full-fledged members of society who want to raise their level of education regarding economics and economic problems for the purpose of lifelong education. In FY2008, the master's program of this graduate division supplemented its ordinary academic advisors by introducing a guidance system in which multiple faculty members provide guidance to graduate students regarding research. This graduate division has 49 years of history, and its graduates are active as specialized professionals such as tax accountants in fields that include universities, research institutes, companies, and education. The characteristics of this graduate division can be described as follows.

Firstly, the curriculum is not limited to specific narrow fields. A wide array of subjects have been established that range from the basic fields of economic theory, economic history, and economic policy, to application fields such as Japanese economics, international economics, public finance, finance, information, statistics, population, corporations, education, and regional economics, and practical fields that are tied with qualification acquisition such as tax law and accountancy special lectures, and thus consideration is given to accommodating diverse education and research needs. Students are able to learn broad perspectives, well-balanced thinking, and diverse approaches to problem-solving in relation to economics.

Secondly, thorough small-group instruction is provided by numerous faculty members who possess outstanding research achievements and educational experience. In the master's program, for an enrollment capacity of 10 people, education and research guidance are overseen by 26 full-time faculty members and one visiting faculty member. Research guidance can be provided regarding almost all fields of economics, so students can find an academic advisor who is suitable for their own themes and issues.

Thirdly, a course system has been introduced in the master's program for precisely responding to increasingly diverse research and education needs, so students are able to study systematically and efficiently in accordance with their aims.

(1) Research course

The aim of this course is cultivating researchers for universities and research institutes, which is the existing aim of this graduate school. In addition, this course is suitable for practitioners and company managers who wish to acquire a specialized teaching certificate (junior high school: social studies, high school: civics), high-level professional specialized knowledge, and broad perspectives and knowledge regarding socio-economics. This course also accepts full-fledged members of society who will perform research on economics and economic problems for the purpose of lifelong education.

(2) Tax system and financial affairs course

The aim of this course is not only qualification acquisition for tax accountants, but also the acquisition of broad perspectives and knowledge regarding the economics that is behind practical business. Students can receive tax-law examination subject exemption by acquiring a degree in a subject pertaining to tax law and going through a master's thesis review by the National Tax Agency. (For details, please see the National Tax Agency website.) The entrance examination for this course does not include any foreign-language subjects.

(3) Career advancement course

This is a relearning course for full-fledged members of society. It meets the high-level specialized education needs of persons such as businesspeople, company managers, and professional-qualification holders.

Furthermore, in-service teachers and full-fledged members of society who have a teaching license can acquire a specialized teaching certificate. A master's degree can be acquired with a "research project" (report) rather than a master's thesis. The entrance examination consists only of an interview, and there are subjects offered on weeknights and subjects offered on Saturdays.

In the case of graduate students, there are "The Commerce Review of Graduate School of Komazawa University" and "The Economic Review of Komazawa University" that serve as forums for regularly-scheduled study groups and research presentations. Furthermore, there is an extensive support system for learning based on both hardware and software, and efforts are being made for the further enhancement of education environments with the aim of serving as a graduate school for the new era.
