Graduate Division of Global Media Studies

In this graduate division, we aim to help you develop as someone who possesses a wide-ranging knowledge regarding the latest global media trends, and as someone who possesses practical English skills. In order to help you achieve those ends, we offer a distinctive and innovative curriculum in which courses from common interdisciplinary fields are combined with courses in specialized fields. In the master's program, students first of all aim to acquire practical English, and study research English focusing on both writing and presentation skills. The lecture subjects provide broad coverage of the fields of industrial theory, cultural theory, and information theory. In addition, in our seminar program we have made special provision so that group supervision by a small, dedicated team of staff is provided in the three main fields of industrial theory, cultural theory and IT theory allowing for input from professors with different areas of expertise.

For the doctoral program, we have also created a curriculum which aims to develop your capabilities regarding both theory and practice. The lecture subjects cover three areas: the use and application of media in business management and industry; the social and cultural impact of media and communication; and new services in the media field. These are offered as elective subjects. In the case of subjects in which you will receive research guidance, we use a system of group-guidance for industrial theory, cultural theory, and information theory similar to the system for the master's program, so that students receive guidance from multiple faculty members with diverse academic perspectives.

Lectures are provided in the evenings and on Saturdays so that even those working full-time can balance work with studying in this graduate division. In terms of equipment and facilities, stable and secure internet access is provided, a computer is allocated for each graduate student, and workshop rooms and content studios are available for group and project work.

From 2022, we will be changing the way we provide guidance to graduate students both in the seminar subjects on the master's course and in the subjects in which doctoral students receive research guidance. Master's and doctoral students will be able to select several supervisors from across the entire staff who fit best with the student's chosen research topic so that it will be possible for us to support ever broader interdisciplinary research.
