
1988 - 1996 Japan
1996 - 2000 Atlanta, USA
2000 - Japan
2011/3 - Received a B.S. degree in Science from Waseda University
2012/9 - Received a M.S. degree in Science from Waseda University
2015/12 - Received a PhD degree in Engineering from Waseda University
2013/4 - 2015/12 Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1), JSPS
2014/6 - 2014/8 Research intern at Microsoft Research
2016/1 - 2016/3 Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (PD), JSPS
2016/4 - 2019/3 Assistant Lecturer at Faculty of Global Media Studies, Komazawa University
2019/4 - 2023/3 Lecturer at Faculty of Global Media Studies, Komazawa University
2023/4 - present Associate Professor at Faculty of Global Media Studies, Komazawa University
2023/4 - present Visiting Researcher at School of Product Design, University of Canterbury


  • Internship at Microsoft Research Redmond CCS (Cloud Computing and Storage) Group under Dr. Xian-Sheng Hua.
    (summer of 2014)
  • Internship at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan
    (summer of 2011, spring of 2012, summer of 2012, summer of 2013, spring of 2014, summer of 2014, spring of 2015)
  • Research assistant of CREST, JST
    (2011/10-2013/1, 2013/4-9,2013/12-2014/3)
  • Research assistant of Grants for Excellent Graduate Schools, MEXT
    (2013/2-3, 2013/10-12)
  • Chief creator - Information-technology Promotion Agency Japan (IPA)
    Exploratory IT Human Resources Development: The MITOH Program 2012 [LINK]
    "Development of Average-Song Generator" (Co-Creator:Shoto Sasaki
    Certified as "Super Creator".


1.Best Presentation Award (Best New Direction Research), IPSJ SIGMUS, Japan, 8/2023
  - "XR Music Keyboard"

2.Yamashita SIG Research Award, IPSJ, Japan, 3/2020
  - "Melody Phrase Distribution Representation through Melody Segmentation based on GPR"

3.VC Symposium 2019 Forum 8 Award, IIEEJ, Japan, 6/2016
  - "Proposal of a Programming Tool Enabling the Creation of Interactive Programs in AR Space"

4.SIG Recommended Doctoral Dissertations, IPSJ, Japan, 7/2016
  - "A Study on Interaction between Human and Digital Content"(2016/7/15)

5.Entertainment Computing Best Student Presentation Award, IPSJ, Japan, 12/2015
  - "Proposal and Evaluation of a Subtitle Placement Method with Minimal Eye Movement Based on Attention Regions Calculated from Eye Tracking Data"

6.Nishita Award, IIEEJ, Japan, 6/2014
  - "Proposal of a Video Summarization Method Based on Automatic Keyframe Extraction in Anime Content"

7.GCAD Award, IPSJ, Japan, 6/2013
  - "A system that Automatically Generates Visuals Matching the Music using Existing Music Videos"

8.Super Creator, certified by IPA (Information-Technology Promotion Agency), Japan, 5/2013
  - "Development of a System for Generating an Average Music"


1.JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, "Technology for Assisting Melody Creation Beyond the Boundaries of Musical Scales," April 2023 - March 2028.

2.JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, "Realization of Vector Representation of Musical Melodies and Verification of its Effectiveness," April 2019 - March 2023.

3.JSPS Research Fellow DC1, "Research on Understanding Video Content through Combined Analysis of Sound and Visuals," April 2013 - March 2016.

4.IPA Exploratory IT Human Resources Project, "Development of a System for Generating an Average Music," July 2012 - February 2013.