Office (SATOHTetsuo)

   About spelling of my family name:
Please be informed that my family name appears "SATO" on official documents while I usually spell it "SATOH" in my personal writings.

D.Sc. in Geography from the University of Tokyo, 1993
A Geographical Study on Farming Systems in Rice Growing Regions of Asia  (Abstract)
M.Sc. in Geography from the University of Tokyo, 1983
B.A. in Liberal Arts from the University of Tokyo, 1980

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April 1998 - Professor Faculty of Letters, Komazawa University, Tokyo
April 1992 - March 1998 Associate Professor Faculty of Letters, Komazawa University, Tokyo
April 1991 - March 1992 Assistant Professor Faculty of Letters, Komazawa University, Tokyo
April 1989 - March 1991 Assistant Professor Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mie University, Tsu
April 1984 - March 1989 Research Associate College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo
April 1983 - April 1984 Research Fellow National Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, Tsukuba

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1987.  Wet-rice Cultivation in Lowland Bangladesh.  Geographical Review of Japan 60, ser. B no. 2: 117-33.

1988.  Agricultural Land-Use Survey by LANDSAT.  Tokyo Daigaku Kyoyo-gakubu Jinbunkagaku-ka Kiyo 88, ser. human geogr. no. 10: 39-48.

1989a.  Agricultural Land-Use Survey by LANDSAT MSS Data.   In Land-Use Change, ed. R.D. Hill, 115-24. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

1989b.  Geographical Studies of Rice Cultivation: a Perspective on Farming Systems.  Regional Views (Tokyo), no. 2: 77-87.

1993a.  Double Cropping of Rice and Wheat in India.  Annual Report of Research Center for Regional Geography (Hiroshima), no. 3: 49-62.

1993b.  The Farming System of Agroforestry in Northern Thailand.  Regional Views (Tokyo), no. 6: 3-19.

1996.  Reproductive Behavior of Suburban Residents in Bangkok.  Regional Views (Tokyo), no.9: 23-33

1997.  Population Change and CO2 Emission in Thailand.   Regional Views (Tokyo), no.10: 21-33

1999.  Secondary Urban Centers in the Metropolitan Area of Bangkok.  Regional Views (Tokyo), no.12: 47-67

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A Study on the Impacts and Adaptations to Sea-Level Rise in the Songkhla Lake Area
         Ministry of Construction = Ehime University = Prince of Songkhla University.    Songkhla (Thailand).   1998

The Secondary Urban Centers in a Metropolitan Area; a Case of Bangkok
         Komazawa University (Faculty Research Program) = Chulalongkorn University.    Bangkok (Thailand).   1997-1998

Population Change and Its Impact on Global Environment; a Case of Thailand
         Ministry of Health and Welfare = Komazawa University = Chulalongkorn University = Khon Kaen University. Bangkok, Khon Kaen (Thailand).   1993,1994,1995

Cultural Ecology of a Multiethnic Nation; a Case of Malaysia
         Ministry of Education = Komazawa University.  Kelantan (Malaysia).  1993

Geographical Reappraisal of Human Resources and Its Impact on Regional Development in India
         Ministry of Education = Hiroshima University = Baranasi Hindu University.  Uttar Pradesh (India).  1991

Social Forestry and Community Development in Thailand
         United Nations Centre for Regional Development = Mie University = Chiang Mai University.  Chiang Mai (Thailand).  1990

Studies in Socio Cultural Change in Rural Villages in Bangladesh
         Ministry of Education = Tokyo University of Foreign Studies = Dhaka University.   Khulna (Bangladesh).  1985-1986

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