(SATOH丆Tetsuo) About spelling of my family name:乬A Geographical Study on Farming Systems in Rice Growing Regions of Asia乭 (Abstract)D.Sc. in Geography from the University of Tokyo, 1993
April 1998 - Professor Faculty of Letters, Komazawa University, Tokyo April 1992 - March 1998 Associate Professor Faculty of Letters, Komazawa University, Tokyo April 1991 - March 1992 Assistant Professor Faculty of Letters, Komazawa University, Tokyo April 1989 - March 1991 Assistant Professor Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mie University, Tsu April 1984 - March 1989 Research Associate College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo April 1983 - April 1984 Research Fellow National Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, Tsukuba
丂1987. Wet-rice Cultivation in Lowland Bangladesh. Geographical Review of Japan 60, ser. B no. 2: 117-33.
1988. Agricultural Land-Use Survey by LANDSAT. Tokyo Daigaku Kyoyo-gakubu Jinbunkagaku-ka Kiyo 88, ser. human geogr. no. 10: 39-48.
1989a. Agricultural Land-Use Survey by LANDSAT MSS Data. In Land-Use Change, ed. R.D. Hill, 115-24. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
1989b. Geographical Studies of Rice Cultivation: a Perspective on Farming Systems. Regional Views (Tokyo), no. 2: 77-87.
1993a. Double Cropping of Rice and Wheat in India. Annual Report of Research Center for Regional Geography (Hiroshima), no. 3: 49-62.
1993b. The Farming System of Agroforestry in Northern Thailand. Regional Views (Tokyo), no. 6: 3-19.
1996. Reproductive Behavior of Suburban Residents in Bangkok. Regional Views (Tokyo), no.9: 23-33
1997. Population Change and CO2 Emission in Thailand. Regional Views (Tokyo), no.10: 21-33
1999. Secondary Urban Centers in the Metropolitan Area of Bangkok. Regional Views (Tokyo), no.12: 47-67
大发888体育_dafa888唯一登录网站-【官方认证】A Study on the Impacts and Adaptations to Sea-Level Rise in the Songkhla Lake Area
Ministry of Construction = Ehime University = Prince of Songkhla University. Songkhla (Thailand). 1998The Secondary Urban Centers in a Metropolitan Area; a Case of Bangkok
Komazawa University (Faculty Research Program) = Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok (Thailand). 1997-1998Population Change and Its Impact on Global Environment; a Case of Thailand
Ministry of Health and Welfare = Komazawa University = Chulalongkorn University = Khon Kaen University. Bangkok, Khon Kaen (Thailand). 1993,1994,1995Cultural Ecology of a Multiethnic Nation; a Case of Malaysia
Ministry of Education = Komazawa University. Kelantan (Malaysia). 1993Geographical Reappraisal of Human Resources and Its Impact on Regional Development in India
Ministry of Education = Hiroshima University = Baranasi Hindu University. Uttar Pradesh (India). 1991Social Forestry and Community Development in Thailand
United Nations Centre for Regional Development = Mie University = Chiang Mai University. Chiang Mai (Thailand). 1990Studies in Socio Cultural Change in Rural Villages in Bangladesh
Ministry of Education = Tokyo University of Foreign Studies = Dhaka University. Khulna (Bangladesh). 1985-1986