
二〇世紀の歴史(木畑 洋一著)


書名 「二〇世紀の歴史」
著者 木畑 洋一
出版者 岩波新書
出版年 2014年9月19日
請求記号 080/15-1499
Kompass 書誌情報

I would like to recommend a new small-sized book "The History of the Twentieth Century" written by Yoichi Kibata, Professor of Seijo University, Professor Emeritus of Tokyo University, to everyone.

I think you truly begin to study the major you have chosen on enrolment at the university and therefore specialist subjects must be of great interest in your reading. Specialist subjects are very important to deepen our understanding of key concepts and to help develop our critical thinking skills.

On the other hand, we sometimes find unconscious primary matter or face historical issues in the research process, above all in the field of social science. For example, questions may arise such as - what constitutes being a human being?, where is society at present, and where is society going from now on and why?,.... In that case, we have to at the very least be knowledgeable about the history of the twentieth century. So I highly recommend reading this book.

According to this book, the twentieth century is defined as the long-term twentieth century (1870s to 1990s) not the short-term century (1914 to 1991). And "Imperialism" is located at the center of the description in this book. Additionally, to understand the twentieth century more concretely, it takes the approach of fixed-point observation, in Ireland, South Africa and Okinawa. I read it with deep emotion.

If you read this book, it will not only deepen knowledge for your research, but it will also be helpful in considering the relationship of the state and the individual, in order to keep individual liberty and world peace.

図書館長 日笠 完治
Recommended by the Director of Komazawa University Library,
Professor Kanji Hikasa.

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