The Graduate School

Each of the nine divisions of the Komazawa Graduate School has a Master's and a Doctoral Degree program.

Requirements for completion of the Master's Degree program:

  1. A minimum of two years residence
  2. A minimum of 30 credits
  3. Tutorial training, a final written Master's Degree examination, and a final oral examination

Requirements for completion of the Doctoral Program:

  1. A minimum of three years’ residence subsequent to graduation from the Master's Degree program
  2. Tutorial training
  3. A written examination on the topic of the doctoral dissertation
  4. An oral examination
  5. The Doctoral Degree is awarded to a student who has passed the final examination and has passed appraisal of the thesis for the Doctoral Degree after a period of more than three years of courses and more than twelve credits of thesis guidance
  6. A student who has finished the three-year Doctoral Degree course and completed more than twenty credits may, as a student near completion of the doctoral degree course, leave university cease to be enrolled, unless the student has submitted the thesis for the doctoral degree

Requirements for completion of the Graduate Division of Legal Research and Training (Law School)

  1. A minimum of three years residence, except the students who are related to article 2.
  2. A minimum of two years of residence is required for the students who were admitted into the program granted for four-year graduates in the under graduate legal education program.
  3. The number of credits required to complete a three-year course is 99. The number of credits required to complete a two-year course is 97. However, students in the two-year course may earn 32 credits through the legal examination given at the time of admission, and may complete the course with a minimum of 65 credits.
  4. The required courses and the number of credits necessary for graduation vary depending on the field of research, but students are able to graduate when all the requirements are fulfilled.
  5. The Juris Doctor degree (professional degree) is awarded to students when students are able to graduate.

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